To realize the ultimate potential of quantum simulators, we deem necessary the creation of such a program centered around two main pillars:

  1. an effort to leverage — rather than duplicate — the substantial industrial investment in technologies and software in digital quantum computing by supporting complementary quantum simulator prototypes, facilitating access to the more mature architectures by the broader scientific community, while fostering the development of new materials and/or devices to help all existing technologies and accelerate the deployment of less mature technologies outside the research laboratory; and
  1. creative, cutting-edge fundamental research to uncover new paradigms, advance hardware platforms, and develop algorithms and applications of quantum simulators. Strong engagement of industry, government, and academia is essential to succeed in pillar (1); fostering multi-disciplinary, multi-investigator collaborations and coordination through the creation and growth of a quantum hub internet resource will  successfully advance pillar (2). Here we document the opportunities and challenges in quantum simulators, and detail our view of how to accelerate the evolution of, and capitalize on, this promising quantum technology through the two aforementioned pillars and our vision of what they must entail.