Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Quantum Engineering Seminar

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Bio: Daniel Slichter is a staff physicist at in the Ion Storage Group at NIST in Boulder, CO. His research focuses on quantum information experiments with trapped atomic ions, with an emphasis on developing new paradigms for scalable trapped ion quantum computing and networking. Recent projects include performing high-fidelity entangling operations with microwave and rf fields instead of lasers; using strong unitary squeezing of ion motion to enhance ion-ion interactions and to perform electric field sensing below the standard quantum limit; and integrating superconducting photon detectors into microfabricated ion traps as an initial step in building a fully chip-integrated trapped ion quantum processor. Prior to NIST, he conducted research in superconducting quantum information, where he performed the first continuous high-fidelity measurement of a superconducting qubit, studied quantum feedback and measurement backaction, and worked on the development of near-quantum-limited microwave-frequency superconducting parametric amplifiers.
September 26 @ 11AM in CK282
Special QE Seminar: Engineering Parametric Interactions Between Superconducting Circuits
Abstract: Over 15 years ago, parametric coupling was proposed as a way to entangle flux qubits at their “sweet spots” with frequencies that were far detuned from each other. This was a possible solution to the difficulty with optimizing the spectrum of flux qubits that were extremely sensitivity to the variations in the critical current of their smallest fabricated Josephson junctions. After one major demonstration, this strategy was soon abandoned. In contrast, ion trap systems have always relied on parametric interactions that are naturally more flexible, allowing all-to-all tunable coupling between individual qubits. Over a decade ago, our group at NIST (in Boulder, CO) revived the parametric coupling strategy as a powerful tool for engineering interactions between superconducting circuits. In this talk, I will explain our parametric ideology and highlight our group’s continued efforts to develop non-resonant, parametrically induced coupled interactions between transmon-based qubits and cavities to enable fast, high fidelity gate operations and measurements. Finally, I’ll discuss improving, connecting, and expanding these systems for constructing analog quantum simulators or processing quantum information.
Spring 2022
Biography: Dr. Russell Stutz is currently leading the Commercial Products group of HQS, where he is responsible for the design and build of commercial quantum computers. He received his Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Kansas, taking a commission in the US Air Force through the ROTC program upon graduation. As an Air Force officer, he worked on laser research at the Air Force Research Lab, Directed Energy Directorate at Kirtland AFB, NM. Dr. Stutz received his PhD from the University of Colorado-Boulder in atomic, molecular, and optical physics in 2010 under the tutelage of his research advisor Eric Cornell. After receiving his PhD, Dr. Stutz has worked industrial research and development at AOSense, a small company in California developing quantum sensors, as well as Lockheed Martin in Colorado. He has been with Honeywell since 2016, and was one of the first employees at the Broomfield, CO site.
An Old Qubit Contender Becomes New Again: Neutral Atoms

Neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers are a promising platform for implementing scalable quantum computers. Here I introduce a system with the ability to individually manipulate a two-dimensional array of nuclear spin qubits. Each qubit is encoded in the ground state manifold of 87Sr and is individually addressable by site-selective beams. We observe negligible spin relaxation after 5 seconds, indicating that T1 ≫ 5 s. We also demonstrate significant phase coherence over the entire array, measuring T2 ⋆ = (21 ± 7) s. Capitalizing on these beneficial properties of our optical tweezer platform, we aim to scale this system to a larger array of qubits in a parallelizable manner. Furthermore, these qubits can be entangled utilizing site-selective Rydberg excitation creating a universal gate set.
Ben received his PhD at the University of Colorado Boulder where he worked on Optical Atomic Clocks. Afterwards he worked at Intel on classical computers, at Rigetti on Superconducting Josephson Junctions, and in 2018 founded Atom Computing. He is the CTO of Atom Computing directing R&D efforts both on current systems as well as future systems being built at Atom.
Quantum Systems Will Change the World (Again), But Not Without Photonics and Not Without Colorado Talent
When systems are engineered to relay or extend “quantum weirdness” from the nanoscopic scale of atoms to the macroscopic scale of humans amazing things can happen. Twentieth century quantum systems (the transistor and the laser) ushered in the computer age and the information age, which changed the world. Twenty-first century quantum systems is just emerging, and the disruptive potential is equally tantalizing. Almost all these emergent quantum systems require lasers and photonics, representing both an opportunity and a challenge. In this talk I will discuss the complexity of the lasers-for-quantum space, present the technical and economic landscape, and pose possible paths forward for how lasers and photonics can usher in a new quantum age. I will also present how Vescent, a local company, is playing a critical role in this development and discuss how Colorado talent, at Vescent and in other Colorado Companies, is enabling the quantum 2.0 revolution.
APRIL 8-9, 2022

Abstract: Entanglement, the correlations displayed between sub- systems of a multipartite quantum system, is one of the most distinguishing properties of quantum physics and a significant resource for quantum information science and technology. Entanglement swapping is a protocol that enables entanglement of quantum systems that have never interacted. This protocol underpins efforts to realize large-scale quantum networks as the core element of quantum repeaters. Entanglement swapping between entangled photons has been experimentally demonstrated using photons entangled in their polarization, spatial, and temporal degrees of freedom. Here we focus on encoding information in the spectral-temporal mode of single photons. This allows for a multiplexed approach to entanglement swapping that can generate many different entangled two-photon states. The entanglement swapping protocol relies on multimode entangled photon-pair sources and the ability to perform spectrally-resolved single-photon detection. Experimental results demonstrating the generation of 5 nearly-orthogonal two-photon states is presented.
Biography: Brian J. Smith is Professor of Physics at the University of Oregon, where he leads the Optical Quantum Technologies (OQT) research group. Prior to this Dr Smith was Associate Professor of Experimental Quantum Physics in the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford from 2010 to 2016. He was a Senior Research Scientist at the National University of Singapore 2009-2010, where he worked on integrated quantum photonics, and quantum-enhanced sensing. He was a Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellow 2007-2009 at the University of Oxford where he worked on controlled photonic quantum state preparation and manipulation, quantum measurement characterization, and quantum-enhanced sensing. He obtained a PhD in Experimental Quantum Optics from the University of Oregon in 2007 and BA degrees in Physics and Mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College in 2000. Smith’s current research interests lie in the general areas of quantum optics and quantum technologies and their use in probing fundamental quantum physics and realizing quantum-enhanced applications with performance beyond that possible with classical resources. In these fields he has developed approaches for producing non-classical states of light with well-defined mode structure based upon engineered nonlinear optics, methods to coherently manipulate such quantum states, and efficient means to measure the resultant states. Recently his efforts have focused on harnessing the temporal-spectral mode structure of light to enable realization of larger quantum systems. These quantum-optical tools have enabled him to examine fundamental questions in quantum physics, such as the commutation relations for creation and annihilation operations, and experimentally address various quantum-enhanced technologies, for example quantum-enhanced sensing and quantum communications.
Current research: Smith’s current research interests lie in the general areas of quantum optics and quantum technologies and their use in probing fundamental quantum physics and realizing quantum-enhanced applications with performance beyond that possible with classical resources. In these fields he has developed approaches for producing non-classical states of light with well-defined mode structure based upon engineered nonlinear optics, methods to coherently manipulate such quantum states, and efficient means to measure the resultant states. Recently his efforts have focused on harnessing the temporal-spectral mode structure of light to enable realization of larger quantum systems. These quantum-optical tools have enabled him to examine fundamental questions in quantum physics, such as the commutation relations for creation and annihilation operations, and experimentally address various quantum-enhanced technologies, for example quantum-enhanced sensing and quantum communications.
Lecture via Zoom

Abstract: Gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductors are best known for their revolutionary applications in creating significant energy savings for electric lights (Nobel Prize in Physics 2014). Unlike silicon and the majority of other compound semiconductor materials, GaN is piezoelectric due to its wurtzite symmetry which is noncentrosymmetric. The piezoelectricity creates an electric potential when the material is strained. The piezoelectric potential can cause the electrons and holes to be separated from each other, which is disadvantageous to their radiative recombination efficiency. However, if properly engineered, the piezoelectric potential can enable a suite of applications for future augmented reality, robotics, health care, and quantum information technologies. In this talk, I will introduce the idea of local strain engineering which allows us to engineer the piezoelectric potential in a nanometer length scale by using the GaN nanostructures. I will discuss how the nanostructure’s geometry can be used as a tuning knob to control the optical properties of the material. A simple theoretical model will be presented that can be easily adapted for device design. I will also give a brief overview on various potential applications with the main focus on quantum photonics.
Biography: P.C. Ku received his BS from the National Taiwan University and PhD from the University of California at Berkeley, both in electrical engineering. He was awarded the Ross Tucker Memorial Award in 2004 as a result of his PhD research. He was with Intel before joining the University of Michigan where he is currently a professor of electrical engineering and computer science. In 2010, he cofounded Arborlight that was dedicated to solid-state lighting system design and application. He received the DARPA Young Faculty Award in 2010.
Lecture via Zoom
For links to other quantum-related events, news, job opportunities, etc, check out PhD Physics student Farai Mazhandu’s Quantum@Mines Newsletter.
Fall 2021
Colorado School of Mines, Department of Physics
November 16, 2021
The Center for Nonlinear Studies and Los Alamos National Laboratory
October 28-30, 2021
This workshop will be held in-person at the Drury Plaza Hotel in
Santa Fe, NM for those vaccinated against COVID-19 and will be broadcast to virtual participants. You must apply to attend in-person or register as a virtual attendee on the website in advance of the workshop. |
University of South Florida
September 3, 2021
10:00 AM ET
Online via Microsoft Teams
August 27, 2021
1-2:30 PM ET
Spring 2021
April 13, 2021
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Physics
March 23, 2021, virtual
University at Buffalo, Department of Physics
Monday–Friday, March 15–19, 2021, virtual APS March Meeting 2021 |
March 2, 2021, virtual
University of Colorado @ Boulder, JILA
February 25-26, 2021, virtual NSF Workshop on Quantum Engineering Education |
Fall 2020
December 1, 2020, virtual
Colorado School of Mines
Denver University
November 3, 2020, virtual
University of New South Wales
August 13, 2020, virtual 6th Front Range Advanced Magnetics Symposium (FRAMS) |
May 26, 2020, virtual Open Quantum Frontier Institute Virtual Workshop: Quantum Education 2nd workshop of the Open Quantum Frontier Institute |
April 13-14, 2020 Dr. Zaira Nazario IBM Dr. Nazario will present on quantum computing. CANCELLED |
February 28, 2020, 2-3 pm in CoorsTek 282 Fernando Sols Universidad Complutense de Madrid Departamento de Física de Materiales Protected cat states in a driven superfluid boson gasWe investigate the behavior of a one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard gas in both a ring and a hard-wall box, whose kinetic energy is made to oscillate with zero time average, which suppresses first-order particle hopping while allowing even higher-order processes [1]. At a critical value of the driving, the system passes from a Mott insulator to an exotic superfluid phase. The system in the ring has similarities to the Richardson pairing model which can be exploited to understand key features of the interacting boson problem [2]. The superfluid ground state is a macroscopic quantum superposition, or cat state, of two many-body states characterized by the preferential occupation of opposite momentum eigenstates. Interactions give rise to a reduction (or modified depletion) cloud that is common to both macroscopically distinct states. Symmetry arguments permit a precise identification of the two orthonormal many-body branches forming the ground state. In the ring, the system is sensitive to variations of the effective flux but in such a way that the macroscopic superposition is preserved. We discuss other physical aspects that contribute to protect the catlike nature of the ground state. [1] G. Pieplow, F. Sols, C. E. Creffield, New J. Phys. 20, 073045 (2018). [2] G. Pieplow, C. E. Creffield, F. Sols, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033013 (2019).
February 21-22, 2020 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO Open Quantum Frontier Institute 1st workshop of the Open Quantum Frontier Institute |
September 16-17, 2019 in Alexandria, VA Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities US NSF-supported workshop See more on the Quantum Engineering @ Mines Workshops page link. |